List your Store and Products
Welcome to the Bulawayo Mart Family!
We are glad that you are on this website! We will be happy to help you grow your business!
Become a member of Bulawayo Mart.
Be part of growing business & social network in this beautiful Southern African city, Bulawayo!
Free Listing
You can list your store/organization free! Basic information (name, tel, address, short description) will be displayed on the Bulawayo Mart website. To list free, please register here and input your business/project information*.
* Note: Please be aware that uploading logo/picture will be regarded as your paid subscription request. If you want to stick to free listing, please input only business name, tel, address, short description.
Paid Plans for Exclusive Listing & Business Support Services
Have your colorful and attractive online store in 72 hours!
Please contact us to discuss your listing options!