
The United Bulawayo Hospitals is situated in the Eastern part of the city of Bulawayo. It is one of two principal referral centres for the Southern part of the country. The hospital also serves as one of the two referral centres for an urban population of about one million.

The United Bulawayo Hospitals was opened in 1937 at Khumalo as an extension of the Old Memorial Hospital.The new hospital then, catered for the European patients (Maternity) and in 1943 a General wing was opened. At independence the number of beds was 300 and at present it is 650 beds. Currently there are plans to extend the hospital, which will be done in different phases funds permitting.

It is one of the six Central Hospitals in Zimbabwe, others being Mpilo, Ingutsheni, Harare, Chitungwiza, and Parirenyatwa. UBH services Bulawayo Metropolitan Province, Matabeleland North and South Provinces, Masvingo and Midlands Provinces.

β–ͺ︎ Outpatients Clinic Days
Mondays to Fridays: Medicine

Mondays & Thursdays:General Surgery
Tuesdays: Orthopaedic
Thursdays: Urology

Maternity Clinic Days
Mondays to Fridays: Family Planning,

Youth Friendly, VIAC & Theatre
Mondays: Breast Cancer screening
Thursdays: Antenatal & Bookings,

Gynaecology Oncology
Fridays: Initial ANC Bookings, Post Natal services
Saturdays: Open for walk in clinic services
Mondays and Wednesdays: Subsequent Visits

Dr. W. Busumani | Chief Medical Officer

Tel: +2632922231749


Dr. T. Mushawarima | Clinical Director

Tel: +2632922231749


Mr. C. Mandimika | Finance Director


Mr. R. Sithole | Director of Operations


Matron N. Maphosa | A/C Public Relations Officer



Direct Line:+263292252111-9


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